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# SPI display on J3

How to configure the CM3-Home board to use an SPI display on J3 connector 

### /boot/config.txt

	#dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=0,penirq=34,speed=10000, swapxy=0, pmax=255, xohms=60, xmin=200, xmax=3900, ymin=200, ymax=3900

### Enable for Console

Run in console (not desktop terminal):

	con2fbmap 1 1

To make it permanent (on Debian) add to the file /boot/cmdline.txt at the end of the 
line the following Kernel arguments: 

	fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8

### Raspberry CM3 to SPI display wiring

| Signals | Raspberry pins |
| RST  | GPIO 23 | 
| D/C  | GPIO 24 |
| CS   | GPIO  8 (CS0)  |
| MISO | GPIO  9 (MISO) |
| MOSI | GPIO 10 (MOSI) |
| SCK  | GPIO 11 (SCK)  |
| Backlight | GPIO18 (1=on)   |

### Raspberry CM3 to ADS7846 touch chip

| Signals | Raspberry pins |
| CS   (15)   | GPIO 7  (CS1)  |
| DOUT (12)   | GPIO 9  (MISO) |
| DIN  (14)   | GPIO 10 (MOSI) |
| DCLK (16)   | GPIO 11 (SCK)  |
| PENIRQ (11) | GPIO 25        |

### Usng with Xorg

	sudo FRAMEBUFFER=/dev/fb1 startx &
	sudo DISPLAY=":0" matchbox-window-manager
	sudo DISPLAY=:0 midori -e Fullscreen -a &

* [fbtft touchpanel](
* [Video test](
