OpenHAB and OneWire

This article describes how to OpenHAB can read a Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor directly attached to a Raspberry 3 GPIO, and the equivalent attached to the dedicated socket of the CM3-Home.

The DS18B20 sensor has this pinout:

It needs a 3.3V power supply and a 4.7 or 10KΩ resistor on the data line:

On the Raspberry PI3 connect the data line to PIN 7 (BCM 4) and add the lines below to /boot/config.txt file:

# Enable 1Wire on GPIO

On the CM3-Home connect the sensor as shown below:

As depicted on the schematic diagram, the 1-wire data line is interfaced through a dedicated buffer in order to allow a more robust bus, therefore it doesn't require a pullup.


# Enable the 1-wire bus 

Reboot the board.

The sensors wired are automatically detected by the Linux Kernel and a new directory is created on the folder /sys/bus/w1/devices for each of them.

$ ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/

In this case a temperature sensor with id=28-000006c423d3 has been detected. To read the temperature value type:

$ watch cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000006c423d3/w1_slave 
a4 01 4b 46 7f ff 0c 10 da : crc=da YES
a4 01 4b 46 7f ff 0c 10 da t=26250


To read the sensor value we are going to use the binding that allows to execute periodically a script:

Install the Exec Binding


Create the file


add the following lines:

wert=`cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/$1/w1_slave | tail -n1 | cut -d '=' -f2`
wert2=`echo "scale=3; $wert/1000" | bc`
echo $wert2

test the script executing the command ./ sensorID


Create the file


add the following line:

exec:command:onewiretemp1 [command="bash /etc/openhab2/scripts/ IDSensore", interval=60, timeout=5, autorun=false]


Create the file


add the following line:

String onewiretemp1Value "La temperatura del sensore 1 è [%s °C]" <temperature> {channel="exec:command:onewiretemp1:output"}

Add the sensor to sitemap to show the value on UI:

Text item=onewiretemp1Value

Or use the item value in a widget to show it in an habpanel, as in this example


Massimiliano Casini (Coordinatore tecnico Service Assurance presso
Sono cresciuto nel modo IT di aziende ad alto contenuto tecnologico e da sempre ho acquisto esperienze nel settore della domotica e sicurezza residenziale. Negli ultimi dieci anni ho acquisito competenze specifiche nel campo delle TLC in particolare sulla rete GSM e sui protocolli ad essa collegati.
Sergio Tanzilli (Autore - Progettista hw & sw - Imprenditore - Musicista dilettante, classe 1964)
Fondatore di Area SX srl, Acme Systems srl e del TanzoLab, si occupa dal 1974 di elettronica digitale, dal 1978 di microprocessori, dal 1992 di microcontroller, dal 1995 di Linux e pubblicazioni su Web, dal 2005 di progettazione, produzione e commercializzazione di schede Linux Embedded. - - -